Deals for Semikolon Magazine Organizer, Black (33607)
This is a perfect time! The price on the best selling Semikolon Magazine Organizer, Black (33607) just dropped few days ago. After researching deeply I found Amazon store that is the best and the lowest price as I can find from online store.
This Semikolon Magazine Organizer, Black 33607 are available on Amazon at a discounted price! Click here to take advantage of this discount.
Get discount in the Semikolon Magazine Organizer, Black (33607) on limited time offerr. We are recommended you to get this Semikolon Magazine Organizer, Black 33607 best price before time out or out of stock. We hope you still satisfied when you receive the Semikolon Magazine Organizer, Black 33607 best deals on your hand.
Here are some of the great features of Semikolon Magazine Organizer, Black (33607)
Semikolon Magazine Organizer, Black 33607, Neatly and attractively organize annual reports, photo albums, children’s books – even magazines, with the Semikolon by Pierre Belvedere Magazine Organizer. Consistent with Pierre Belvedere’s 50 year tradition of quality construction, keen eye for color and attention to detail, the 11-1/2 x 12-1/2 x 4 inch Magazine Organizer is fashioned from vibrantly-colored, rigid, coated premium paperboard with a smooth, surface-cleanable matte finish. The Organizer has nicely rounded side panels, a back panel to keep everything in place and a handsome contrasting cream border. The front of the Organizer has a 2-1/4 x 1-3/4 inch bordered cut-out window into which you can slide a favorite photo or label. The Semikolon Magazine Organizer will also accommodate Semikolon Accordion Files and Clip Folders, and coordinates with Semikolon Paper Trays, and Desk Blotters, also available on Amazon. Isn’t it time to give your home or office work space a makeover?
- Organize reports, photo albums, children's books; also holds Semikolon Accordion Files and Clip Binders
- Constructed of rigid, coated premium paperboard; smooth, surface-cleanable matte finish
- Semikolon Magazine Organizer, 11-1/2 x 12-1/2 x 4 inches; Black
- Nicely rounded side panels; back panel keeps everything in place; attractive contrasting cream border; bordered front cut-out window for photo or label
- Coordinates with Semikolon Desk Blotters, Business Card Filing Boxes and Paper Trays, also available on Amazon
Save on Semikolon Magazine Organizer, Black (33607) Semikolon Magazine Organizer, Black 33607 on Sale 2012. Find Best Price and Customer Reviews for Semikolon Magazine Organizer, Black 33607 with Price Comparison of Online Purchase. Fast & Super Saver Shipping.